Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Oral Presentation Skills Day 3: Rehearsal

Today we will spend the majority of class rehearsing for the final oral presentations next week and giving feedback to our classmates. An outline of today's class can be found below:

Oral Presentation Skills Day 3: Rehearsal

Objectives: Students will be able to...
  1. Give a "first draft" rehearsal version of their final presentation
  2. Give feedback to classmates about their presentations
  3. Process/reflect on the feedback they've received 
I. Warm-Up
How are you? How are things? How was your weekend? How are your other classes? What plans do you have for the end of the semester? Any questions for me?

II. Comments on the IMRD Analysis
I want to take a couple of minutes to comment on the IMRD Analysis assignment.

III. Final Cumulative Vocabulary Quiz 
I hope you studied!

IV. Presentation Rehearsals
We will do this by employing the following procedure:
  1. I will check your outlines/topic adaptations
  2. I'll ask for volunteers/pick an order for the presentation
  3. You will give your presentations 
  4. Your classmates will give you feedback using this form
Your homework this week will be to reflect on this feedback.

V. Advice on Preparing Visual Aides
With the remaining class time, we will discuss how to prepare visual aides for your presentation using this presentation and this handout.

1). Prepare for the Final Presentation: We will spend our final class giving presentations and having a little holiday gathering. In order to prepare for you presentation, you should...

  1. Preparing your visual aid
  2. Completing the outline (if you haven't already) 
2). Complete Your Rehearsal Reflection 
Using this prompt, write a 350-500 word reflection on the feedback you received on your rehearsal presentation. You will be asked to identify two areas for improvement. In addition to the visual aid and the way you adapted your topic for a general audience, these are the areas that I will be assessing you during the presentation. Good luck!

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